Saturday, January 24, 2009

Haha, today work 3 hours then don't wan to work liao..
Get paid then go spend liao.. XD
It's suppose to be 1 hour, RM6.. But, I only work for 10 hours then they pay me RM66.. ^^ They give extra wor, take only lo.. Hahaha..

Went to MidValley with Mun Suet just to watch movie.. =.="
Watched Inkheart..
Then after movie, sit bus to Sunway to sing k and makan steamboat with Chong Sheng, Chien Lung and Eric..
Haiz, Mun Suet con me la!!! Say sing k got student price RM8 to RM10 only..
Haiz, then pay bill that time RM71.30.. o.O WTH!!! Why so expensive wan!!!
Haiz, those stupid peanuts all those things cost RM28!!! Need pay EXTRA!!!
Haiz, in the end four of us each pay RM17+, Eric didn't join us...
Haiz, extra so much.. Haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz.......
Haiz, Mun Suet............................................

While steamboat at Tasty Pot wasn't that good.. The food there okay okay only..
We all think that Restaurant Talipon near KJ Station was much more better.. And the pirce at Talipon is also cheaper then Tasty Pot.. RM25 each person le, plus drinks.. The food that i enjoyed the most was the fried 'mantau' with ice-cream.. ^^
Very nice.. XD
Btw, check Eric's blog for 'interesting' photos.. =D

Then off we go to INC for Left 4 Dead!!!!!
Haha, have been playing L4D with the same ppl everytime at night..
And everytime also reach home around 12.30, then kena nagging abit.. =.="

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