Saturday, March 21, 2009


I met some new "friends" today.. The Leo Charity Bazaar was held today morning, Eric went to fetch them and such a coincidence that they all live at the same place.
I went in Eric's car and I saw them sitting at the back quietly.. They are "A", "B", "C" and "V". Oh ya, they smell very very nice.. XD They each have different size and come in a large quantity.
At Metropolitan College, they sat down on the table in our booth. Some of our members gave them new clothes to wear. After awhile, some of them was brought to go visit the campus. And some was squashed accidentaly by some of our clumsy members.
Among "A", "B", "C" and "V", "C" was the most popular one.
When the bazaar ended, some of them was still sitting on the table while quite alot of them went with other people in different car to different places. We all was frustrated what to do with the others. So we decided to bring some of them to stay at the charity homes. Some of us also planned to bring some home. I only brought "B", "C" and "V" along with me. With "B", "C" and "V" along with other friends we went to Sedap. Later we also went to T-Bun, we showed them how to play Counter Strike.
Now at home, "B", "C" and "V" are currently sleeping in my fridge. For some reason they LOVE cold places, so thet choose the fridge.
I think i wont be seeing them for a long long time after a few days.. But it is still fun meeting them. =)

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